Title: Security Policy Checker and Generator for Java Mobile Codes
Author(s): Haruhiko Kaiya, Hitoshi Furukawa and Kenji Kaijiri
Source: EISIC, IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context, Proceedings. 255-264, Sep. 2002.
10 pages, ( 190 K bytes, gziped postscript) or ( 239 K bytes, PDF)
Presentation Sheets ( 394 K bytes, PDF)
Java is one of the most famous mobile code systems, and its components can be dynamically downloaded from the other computers over the internet. Because such downloaded components are not always reliable, behaviors of each component are restricted according to the application's policy. However, it is not so easy for the application users or developers to decide the suitable policy. In this paper, we introduce a tool for generating and checking the security policies for Java application. As we deploy Java components spatially on a window of our tool, we can check which component can be executed or not with respect to a set of security policies. In addition, our tool can generate the minimal set of policies to execute all the deployed components.
	Title="{Security Policy Checker and Generator for Java Mobile Codes}",
	Author="Haruhiko Kaiya and Furukawa and Kenji Kaijiri",
	Booktitle="Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context",
	Editor="Colette Rolland and Sjaak Brinkkemper and Motoshi Saeki",
	Publisher="Kluwer Academic Publishers",
	Address="Kanazawa, Japan",
	Note="IFIP TC8/WG8.1 Working Conference on EISIC",

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