``Some Kummer extensions over maximal cyclotomic fields, a finiteness theorem of Ribet and TKND-AVKF fields'',
L-functions and Motives in Niseko 2024, @Niseko Residents Center, 2024.09
``Some Kummer extensions over maximal cyclotomic fields and a finiteness theorem of Ribet'',
Anabelian Geometry in Tokyo, @Tokyo Institute of Technology,
``Bounds on torsion of CM abelian varieties over local fields with values in cyclotomic extensions'',
KANT 2023, @Kyushu Univ. 2023.3.
``Bounds on torsion of CM abelian varieties over a p-adic field with values in a field of p-power roots'',
Number Theory Seminar,@Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)(P.R. China,@Zoom),2022. 9.
``アーベル多様体のねじれ部分群と Lubin-Tate 拡大'',
東工大数論・幾何学セミナー,@Tokyo Institute of Technology. 2018.5.
``Lattices in crystalline representations and Kisin modules
associated with iterate extensions'',
Galois representations, ramification theory, and related topics,@Saitama Univ. 2018.3.
``Lattices in crystalline representations and Kisin modules
associated with iterate extensions'',
RIMS algebraic number theory seminar,@Kyoto Univ. 2016.12.
``Lattices in crystalline representations and Kisin modules
associated with iterate extensions'',
KANT 2017, @Kyushu Univ. 2017.3.
``Lattices in crystalline representations and Kisin modules
associated with iterate extensions'',
Japan-Taiwan Joint Conference on Number Theory 2016,@NCTS(Taiwan), 2016.9.
``Lattices in crystalline representations and Kisin modules associated
with iterate extensions'',
第10回福岡数論研究集会,@Kyushu Univ. 2016.8.
``On absolute irreducibility of mod p representations of CM elliptic curves'',
2016 Korea-Japan Joint Number theory Seminar,@POSTECH, Pohang. 2016.2.
``CM 楕円曲線に付随する法 p 表現の絶対既約性について'',
Algebraic Geometry Seminar,@Kyoto Univ. 2016.1.
``Non-existence of certain abelian varieties with abelian Galois images'',
Industrious Number Theory 2015, @Blue square,Seoul.2015.11.
The 14th Hiroshima-Sendai Number Theory Conference,@Hiroshima Univ. 2015.7.
`` Background and general introduction to the Breuil-Mezard conjecture'',
Winter school on p-adic Hodge theory --Breuil-Mezard conjecture for GL_2--,Korea Institute for Advanced Study.
``ねじれクリスタリン表現の間の準同型写像に関するガロア作用との可換性について '',
Waseda Algebraic Number Theory seminar,@Waseda Univ. 2014.4
``On Galois equivariance of homomorphisms between torsion potentially crystalline representations'',
Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2013,@Kyoto Univ. 2013.12
``On congruences of Galois representations
of number fields'',第8回福岡数論研究集会,
@Kyushu Univ. 2013.8.
``On congruences of Galois representations
of number fields'',京大数論合同セミナー,
@Kyoto Univ. 2013.7.
``Full faithfullness theorem for torsion crystalline representations'',The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013,2013.7,
@Bexco, Busan, Korea.
``Full faithfullness theorem for torsion crystalline representations'',Number Theory Seminars 2013,
@KIAS. 2013.3.
``ただ一つのtame inertia weight をもつある種のガロア表現の非存在性について'',
``Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2009,@Tokyo Univ. 2009.12
``Non-existence of Galois representations with a uniform tame inertia weight'',
Mathematical Society of Japan Kyushu part,@Saga 2009.10
``Non-existence of Galois representations with a uniform tame inertia weight'',
Algebraic Number Theory Summer School,@apical-inn-kyoto. 2009.8
``Eigenvalues of Frobenius and the non-existence of certain Galois representations'',
The 8th Hiroshima Number Theory Conference, @Hiroshima univ. 2009.7
``Torsion points of abelian varieties with values in infinite extensions over a
$p$-adic field'', Kagawa Seminar, @Kagawa Univ. 2009.4
``Torsion points of abelian varieties with values in infinite extensions over a
$p$-adic field'', 日本数学会 2009年度本会,@Tokyo Univ. 2009.3
``Torsion points of abelian varieties with values in infinite extensions over a
$p$-adic field'', Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Number Theory and Related Topics 2008,
@Tohoku Univ. 2008.11
``Torsion points of abelian varieties with values in infinite extensions over a
$p$-adic field'', The 8th Hiroshima Number Theory Conference, @Hiroshima univ. 2009.7
``Torsion points of abelian varieties with values in infinite extensions over a
$p$-adic field'', 第 13 回代数学若手研究集会, @Tsukuba Univ. 2008.3
``Torsion points of abelian varieties with values in infinite extensions over a $p$-adic field'', 日本数学会九州支部例会,@Ryukyu Univ. 2008.1
``Fontaine-Mazur 予想の紹介'', Algebraic Number Theory Seminar at Hiroshima,
@Hiroshima Univ. 2006.12
``Cartier duality for (φ,Ĝ)'',
Forum``Math-for-Industry" 2011
``TSUNAMI - Mathematical Modelling"
Using Mathematics for Natural Disaster Prediction, Recovery and Provision for the Future
East-West Center,
University of Hawaii,