Title: Finding Symptoms of Misunderstandings in Drawing Software Design
Author: Haruhiko Kaiya
Source: International Workshop on Human Dimensions in Successful Software Development, joint workshop of ICSE98, April 21, 1998, Kyoto, Japan.
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Abstract: It is difficult for cooperative workers to complete software specification and design successfully if they misunderstand with each other. In this paper, we propose a method for finding symptoms of misunderstanding from the records of their interaction. By the method, each part of their products is characterized by the superficial phenomena among their interaction. And one can distinguish misunderstood parts of their products. Because this method uses the superficial records of interaction, automated support for detection can be expected. Finally, we confirm its efficiency and inefficiency and discuss its limitation from the analysis of the experiment.
BibTeX Entry:
    Title="{Finding Symptoms of Misunderstandings in Drawing Software Design}",
    Author="Haruhiko Kaiya",
    Booktitle="International Workshop on Human Dimensions 
    in Successful Software Development, joint workshop of ICSE98",

Related Paper(s): Dec. 1996 in Japanese , Nov. 1999 in Japanese .
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