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Title: 要求フレームを利用した品質要求分析支援
Author(s): 海谷 治彦, 大西 淳.
Source: 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol. 110, No. 227, pp. 1-6, 14 Oct. 2010. ソフトウェアサイエンス SS2010-28, 岩手県立大学.

要求定義において,半形式的な記法である要求フレームに基づく要求言語を採用し,要求フレームの構成 要素に従って定義すべき品質要求の候補を提示することで,品質要求を洩れなく正確に定義する支援を行う手法を提 案する.

We propose a method for requirements analysts to specify quality requirements completely and correctly. In the method, a semi-formal requirements specification language called X-JRDL is used to represent a requirement as a requirements frame. Because a requirements frame explicitly represents semantic structure and elements of its original requirements sentence, candidates of quality requirements related to the frame can be automatically derived based on such structure and elements. A technique called spectrum analysis for quality requirements is also used in the method to validate such candidates against the commonalities and the differences between the set of requirements frames of a system currently analyzed and a requirements specification about its similar system.

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