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Title: Metrics for a Model Driven Development Context
Author(s): Motoshi Saeki and Haruhiko Kaiya.
Source: In 3rd International Conference on Evaluation on Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2008), pp. 13-22, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 4-7 May 2008. INSTICC.

In a Model Driven Development context, in addition to the metrics of models themselves, the metrics of model transformation should be considered in order to measure its various characteristics such as quality. In this paper, we propose the technique to define the metrics of model transformation using a meta-modeling technique and a graph rewriting techniques. The meta-modeling technique is used for defining model-specific metrics, while graph rewriting rules formalize transformation. The values of model-specific metrics to be calculated are attached to graph rewriting rules, and can be evaluated and propagated between the models during the transformation. The evaluation and propagation methods can be defined within the graph rewriting rules, and their evaluation and propagation result in the metric values of the transformation. Furthermore the paper includes the example of transforming object models into relational database models in order to show the usefulness of our approach.
Related Paper(s): Jun. 2007