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Title: The Role of Domain Knowledge Representation in Requirements Elicitation
Author(s): Akira Osada, Daigo Ozawa, Haruhiko Kaiya, and Kenji Kaijiri.
Source: In Proc. of the 25th IASTED International Multi-Conference Software Engineering (SE2007), pp. 84-92, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 2007. IASTED. ID: 552-135.

An information system is embedded in a specific business or activities in an organization, thus, the knowledge about such a business and an organization, that is domain knowledge, is crucially important in a requirements analysis for such a system. Therefore, the effective and efficient usage of domain knowledge is very important in requirements analysis. In order to use domain knowledge documents effectively and efficiently, not only the contents but also the representation is important. In this paper, we report the experimental results about the effect of two different representations during requirements analysis. We designed four metrics that measure the effect of the requirements specification. By using the metrics, we did comparative experiments that evaluate the effect of the representations on the quality of requirements documents. We analyzed two requirements documents each of which is constructed by using different domain knowledge representations: one is dictionary style and the other is UML style. As a result, dictionary style seemed to be adequate for the comprehensive description and UML style seemed to be adequate for the as-is reuse of the domain knowledge.
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