Title: 共同ソフトウェア開発における 非同期型コミュニケーションの生産物への影響
Authors: 村越広享, 海谷治彦, 落水浩一郎.
Source: 佐伯元司, 権藤克彦(編), レクチャーノート/ソフトウェア学17 ソフトウェア工学の基礎III, pp. 166--169, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 FOSE'96, 近代科学社, 会津若松, Dec. 1996.
4 pages, download (47 K bytes, gziped postscript) or (93 K bytes, PDF)
Designing software specifications, various cooperative activities such as deciding, changing or validating a specification are performed. On such activities over a computer network, an efficiency of work or a quality of the software products seem to depend heavily on communication environment. Those environments are characterized by the parameters, such as face-to-face/distribution, voice/text, synchronous/asynchronous. From results of the protocol analysis to recognize obstruction in cooperative work over a computer network, we focus on a parameter of time, that is synchronous/asynchronous. And then we clarify the relation between the parameter and software products.
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